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October 27, 2014


Errol Louis Warns New Yorkers To Not Eat Ebola-Infected Poop or Mucus

(Thanks to Steve K)


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Errol kind of looks like Obama with cheeks implants and the absence of the lobotomy.

Warning: Autoplay video.

We're talking Nobel Prize here.

Now he tells me.

manual: he looks more like a penis to me.

Auditioning to take over the lead role in the hotels.com commercials.

There goes my weekend.

Well, it's good to be reminded proper manners every now and then.

Well darn, there goes lunch.

Well great. Now what am I going to have for supper?

I could see those fly-zapping dudes turn to this stuff. With lots of alcohol of course.

i've seen all this before. In a few years they'll be telling us it's healthy.

What sicko would eat something like that anyway. Yuck.

How are we supposed to tell if the poop and mucous we are eating is ebola-infected??

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