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September 16, 2014


Funeral home offers drive-thru visitation

(Thanks to Sharon [The Minx] Lurie, who says, "If this doesn't say "respect for the dead," I don't know what does.")


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Not sure I want to ask about the extra-value combo. Or supersizing.

We've had this in Birmingham. AL for years! Where has the blog been?

Hopefully they have pneumatic tube transport for delivery of flowers.

If they REALLY want this to work, the next window will serve Starbux....

There is a, now, t-shirt shop on St. George Street in St. Augustine that is reported to have been one of the first drive-by mortuaries in the country.
Before the remodeling, there was a large picture window right by the street where buggies would go by.
The building is reputed to be, of course, haunted. Not that this is anything new in SA.

- 'do you want flies with that' ?

My neighborhood has more of a problem with drive-by and drive-in phenomenon.

Penalty flag thrown at ligirl....truly awful...well done.

"It took me four days to hitchhike from Saginaw
I've gone to look for America...."

So there's a pedestrian lane?

Columbus, Ohio, used to have a drive-in funeral parlour. It was right between a drive-in liquor store and a drive-in gun store. I'm sure there was a connection somewhere.

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