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August 29, 2014


Doctor Who ‘lesbian-lizard’ kiss will not face investigation

(Thanks to ImNotDave)


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but saying 'bless you' in school will still get you in trouble.

My grandson was confused by that scene, but it was more that a lizard and a human were married.

NTTAWWT, of course.

They've been long-recurring characters--it's true love.

6 complaints out of 7.3 million viewers is a pretty small minority!

Didn't bother me.

At least it wasn't raccoons.

I have friends who call that foreplay.

I have to agree that it was gratuitous and unnecessary. But then, most of what happens on Dr Who is gratuitous and unnecessary.

But I will still tell those six to get a life.

Wow if they keep this up Ofcom might even lift the ban on gratuitous same-species heterosexual kissing, and after that the ban on gratuitous bikini wearing.

Steve, I'm kind of confused also, being that she seems to be a man-eating lizard. And I have wondered what would happen if the human were less good at making "tea" and posing, but, uh, it seems to have worked out ok so far.

Reptile dysfunction.

Bon wins.

Somebody's list of Things That Haven't Been Shown on TV Especially Kisses, must be getting pretty short.


Yikes. Used to be that you only saw this stuff on FurAffinity. Now it's on TV. Furries are taking over the world.

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