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August 28, 2014


Toronto Mayor Rob Ford had his high school players roll in goose droppings, threatened to beat up a teacher, showed up drunk at a practice and reneged on a promise to buy $5,000 worth of football helmets for his team, according to internal school board documents released today.

(Thanks to The Perts)


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Are those bad things? I'm pretty sure that rolling in goose droppings is part of the Canadian football requirements for special teams.

Raccoons made me do it.

And he forced Canadian scientists to raise fish that walk on land!

And his popularity rating keeps going up. I can't believe this city.

No wonder, you can't buy entertainment like that.
Well, you CAN, but you feel dirty after.

He was a volunteer. Cut him some slack.

Crack Back...No longer a penalty but rather a position.

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