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July 27, 2014


A Lively City


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That would be scary going swimming and finding an alligator on the beach. Chomp chomp says the alligator

Well then, since authorities confirmed the reptile is an alligator and not a crocodile, I am totally going swimming.

"Um, hi. Can you direct me to the People Mover? I'm looking for my friend the shark. Maybe you know him? Registered nurse, tends to dodge paying the fare?"

I read a couple of the other stories on that website. Wow! Dave you weren't kidding about the weirdness in Miami were you? Teens torturing tortoises, man finds foreign family flopped in his flat, Sunday services sweaty after a/c snatched! It's been a long day and we're under a tornado warning so please forgive me. I get a little crazy when they mention the "T" word here.

but, "man finds foreign family flopped in his flat," is a nifty bit of alliteration. It would not, however BAGNFARB.

What better way to welcome visitors to Florida beaches than with an alligator ? ( What happened to his " Feed Me " sign ? )

Can the movie 'Aligatornado' be far behind?

Dibs and trademarke on 'Aligatornado'.

And Crocknadoquake.

Cause yeah, 37th.

Hey, it's a public beach.

We're gonna need a bigger ... er,.... bucket?

posted on instagram as 'instagator'

Come to Miami: the GatWay to Florida Fun

The answer for alligator beach swarms is disarmingly (no pun intended)simple: swarms of lawyers. They like upscale brief cases and shoes and such.

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