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July 21, 2014


Because we're too far out of shape to leap up and change the channel in time.


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They all stated the same reason for getting into aerobics: "I just wanted to look good for my man."

What? The? Heck?

I think I'm glad that I have the speakers turned off at work. Next I turn off the monitor.

Anybody know how I can un-see this video?

um, yeah


No matter how hard you try, you just cannot butch up a purple spandex leotard.

Thank you, Not My Usual Alias, thanks to your warning, I turned off my speakers BEFORE I clicked on the link!

I agree with the comments. This needs a "where are they now?" update.

My guess is, skid row.

That's just plain scary.

I was struck by the total lack of interest displayed by all the people in the background. I guess this sort of thing goes on all the time there?

I would rather have seen a Manilow video...


And we thought the outrages of the '80's were behind us.

Yes, we're ever so much more sophisticated and classy these days. We've got twerking.

No matter how hard you try, you just cannot butch up a purple spandex leotard.

Posted by: Ms. Flukey | July 21, 2014 at 01:49 PM

Amen to that, which Richard Simmons discovered a long time ago.

Now I have an unexpected conflict: I wish I could do all that without having the slightest wish to do ANY of that.

This would have been a great backdrop for Colin Mochrie in a "News Flash" segment of "Whose Line Is It Anyway."

Mr. Breyer's trip to the Sun Valley Conference was a much-needed retreat after this SCOTUS deliberation session.

If the Marines can do this in Afghanistan, the Taliban will die of shock.

If you wait until the end, there's a link to the longer version

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