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June 16, 2014


It's tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern Mole Time. Be here, or be something bad that rhymes with "here." 


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nobeer ?



justin bebeer
flat rear
"the new sherrif is near"
underpants smear
johnny weir
bugs in your ear

Bongo Boy.

Not even the chair?

Steer? I won't be watching Game 6, Miami vs. Newts. Where is Bill 'The Steer' Laimbeer when you need him? And Go kings.

free of beer

One nice thing about being in the Chicago area is that you don't have to worry about schedule conflicts during sports postseasons.




They have weird accents in Miami and Pennsylvania.

I was perfectly happy ignoring this show until I learned it contains Thighs of Doom! Now I'm in the middle of catching up on old episodes. Dave owes me several hours of my life!

Mud, you know perfectly well Johnny Weir is ... well .... Well, he may be Weir(d), but he sure ain't bad! Plus, he dresses fabulously well. ;)


Diva's jes quietly quipping he's QUirky

No can do. Gotta watch the footy. Truth is,despite my bestest efforts, 'cept for the first episode, been studying the inside of my eyeballs by 9.15pm. GO EVERYONE!!!

Is Jack still screaming during the whole episode? I watched last season,but none this season.

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