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May 13, 2014


Cancellation of WWII Reenactment Because of Participants Wearing of German Uniforms

(Thanks to Jim Kenaston)


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This could be a good time for some revisionist history.

When Germany heard about this it caused a führer...

Further evidence that the British lion has been neutered.

Churchill must be rolling in his grave. I suppose next they'll ban war movies; I recall seeing some Nazi uniforms and insignia in The Longest Day, Where Eagles Dare and Saving Private Ryan...

Memo to the Barnsley Council: Man up.

Don't mention the war...


You could change the third act

Simple. Replace the German uniforms with Civil War confederate uniforms. And send in some Burmese pythons from FL.

How dare they be so accurate. Next time, use only pink swastikas.

Perhaps Russian troops could stand in for the Nazis.

I propose they reenact the Pacific war with Japanese Imperial Army uniforms and the reenactment should end with nuking Barnsley council.

There is probably no law against shooting a man dressed as a Nazi in England.

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