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March 28, 2014


You can get the Taco Bell breakfast 'when you take Justin Bieber back'

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson and Ralph)


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If only, right?

Hey Bieber, this chalupa's for you, eh?

I like Jimmy Kimmel's idea of returning Bieber to Canada via catapult. Put a taco in his hand and not only would we be rid of him but it would be a great Taco Bell commercial too. Instead of "run for the border" it could be called "flung o'er the border".

Actually, for the threat to work, they should say 'If you don't take him back, we'll give you the taco'

I was hoping Bieber would move to Naperville, Illinois. He would blend in well.

Unpaid Rob Ford appearances at TB will pop up on Ewetube in less than 3 days. You heard it here first.

I have my iPhone, TYVM, so I really have no excuse or rationalization for going to the Mexican Phone Company ... (besides, Taco John's has better service, and the menu items I want) ...

No quiero Justin Bieber.

Considering the alternatives, I'm very happy to stay with my breakfast of an apple and cheese.

Bieber, eh?

Taco Bell and Chrysler. What do they have in common?
If only their products were up to the quality of the PR.

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