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March 26, 2014


Indiana jail official blames ‘a lot of electronic things’ for woman placed in all-male cell block

(Thanks to Charles Cates)


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- butt did the men enjoy all those female 'electronic things' ?

She is quoted as saying she was in a cell with "complete men". I guess the incomplete ones are kept elsewhere.

Commander Tingle said, “We’re going through a lot of electronic things that we have; clock around system that we’ve got to try to determine, one, how it happened and two, just how long she was in there."

Commander Tingle ..?

Yeah, MOTW ... he's under the leadership of General Buzz ...

She knew she was in the wrong place because Spider Murphy played the tenor saxophone,and Little Joe was blowin' on the slide trombone.

Commander Tingle should be forced to finish out his sentence.

Complete Men opened for Prince in Vegas. It was very Purple.

Commander Tingle opened for Dildo Nation at the Mid-Town Meat Factory.

With no photo, who's to say there wasn't a good reason.

In all fairness, Gina is a rather ambiguous first name.

Wait, Gina? I got nuthin...

I have friends who call this foreplay.

"Dear Penthouse Forum, I never thought this would happen to me..."

If she's in the men's block why would she need "electric things?"

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