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March 28, 2014


The National Institute of Scientific Research in Brussels has identified global warming to be a significant contributor to erectile dysfunction.

(Thanks to Roberto)


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Well that just jumps out at you.

fewer 'brussels sprouts', eh ?

Veggie burgers with limp pickles.... Noooooooo!

Well, if this doesn't get the old white men on the climate change bandwagon, I don't know what will. Maybe if it's coupled with a "mysterious" Viagra shortage?

Now I have an excuse for my wife.

It's good to see Al Gore in the news again.

Is that your global climate warming change or are you just glad to see me?

Yep that settles it...global warming is hooey. No problem here ;)

I thought they were trying to "hide the decline."

Is there anything Manbearpig can't do?

I'm getting pumped up about this issue.

I'm hot blooded
It's hard to see
It won't rise
When it's a hundred and three.

If global warming lasts more than 4 hours, call your doctor.

Primate change?

Are you sure they didn't mean reptile dysfunction? (Incidentally, I'm looking for a photo of any reptile that would fit that description.)

I noticed the article is a tad short (har) on documentation regarding how this conclusion was reached.

Good New then,since the weather here has been winter for ever and a day then i can only assume that males have extra hard ons? Global warming has disappeared this year.They say it may for the next 10years.

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