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March 27, 2014


Wisconsin woman attacks DJ during 30th birthday party over his song selection

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson, who says "I'm guessing alcohol and the repeated playing of 'Copacabana' were involved.)


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Chicken Dance. Had to be.

She must have misheard the lyrics to the Beetles Birthday:

They say it's your birthday
Hit my DJ too, yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad you hit the DJ
Happy birthday to you

must've featured video of that new very Barey manilow album

Can't believe there were that many people running down the street early on a Sunday morning with an uncut birthday cake. Not in Madison, anyway.

I agree Digger. I usually run down the street with my uncut birthday cake on a Saturday night.


Pro Tip: never play 2 Live Crew unless requested.

She won't get far without paper plates.

♫ you take the cake & run, baby
if that's the way you want it baby
then I don't want you around

- REO Speedwagon


Hound Dog
Hot Blooded
It's All Over Now
Baby Got Back (I Like Big Butts)
The Thrill Is Gone
You Don't Love Me
I'm A Loser

"I let the dogs out" - my song.

Ah, Brocach. Terrific mussels. I can say with nearly full assurance that I was not there on that particular day and time. Full assurance will necessitate a review of the security footage.

How about the Macarena?
That would bring out the fire arms.


I think they use them at Gitmo.

Prisoner, "I will never tell you who blew up that building, Never! Never! Never!!!!!" May you pull out my fingernails....!

Guard, " How do you some Copacabana or perhaps Mandy? We may even thrown in some Neil Diamond, "I am I said...."

Prisoner, "it was my brother, here is his address."

No, the DJ played the theme from Frozen and the young mother just snapped. We completely understand.

Smoke on the Water, bom bom bom, bom bom, ba bom.

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