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March 31, 2014


On April 8 I'll be doing a benefit event for Broward Bulldog, an organization working to keep investigative journalism alive in South Florida. It'll be at the Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art; details are here. Speaking of investigative journalism, there will be cocktails.


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"Cocktail, Ginger Ale, five cents a glass,
you don't like it you can take and ..."

Anyone else remember that cute little ditty from about 4th grade?

Will you address the ongoing Chad investigating society? If not, take a measured amount of responsibility and have some snoop assigned immediately.

I can neither confirm nor deny that I read this post.

Fort Lauderdale has a Museum of Art? What's in it? Wax figures of drunk teens?

Uh, no comment...

Broward Bullfrog?

Investigative journalism...? What's that ?

Dave wrote a journalism?

Exactly my thoughts, Mrs. F. The sculptures aren't nude-- they just have their t-shirts lifted up.

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