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March 25, 2014


Cape Coral woman slapped, kicked Lowe's customer for 'cutting in line,' police say

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)

For the record, slapping and kicking are wrong. But so is cutting in line.


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I agree about the slapping and kicking. I would have just slashed his tires.

But a little slap and tickle is still okay isn't it? I'm not particularly proud of this comment but I just couldn't help myself.

And stay off her lawn

That is why they let you carry firearms in Texas.

Cut in line, Blam! That'll teach ya

Since I won't sign up, linky no worky ... takes me to every story in the "newspaper" for the last week, except the one listed here ...

Where can I kick & slap the internet?

And no branch throwing allowed either.

Try this linky.

Weedwhacker?...I hardly knew her.

Nope, link wouldn't work for me, either.
However, I'd like to go on record that slapping should be mandatory for those people who get in a "20 items or less" line with a full basket.
And, while we're at it, slap that guy who makes the sign and thinks that "less"="fewer".

I have friends who call this foreplay.

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