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March 26, 2014


Deputies: Man hit girlfriend with anger management book, both arrested

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson, Will Dooley and coscolo)


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That almost happened in Batman, but Roddy McDowell can read.

I'd be angry too, if I found I'd brought an anger management book to a knife fight.

i never knew a book could be arrested - what are they gonna throw at it?

Can't be -- they're a heterosexual couple, so that automatically guarantees proper family values and parenting.

(sorry, not finding anything humorous here)

Depending on how far he'd gotten, he should get his money back.

I'm in anger management class. Don't get me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry. Rrowrrrrr.

There's an old Appalachian saying about how "it's good they found each other."

I have friends who call this foreplay.

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