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March 25, 2014


Early NASA diapers forced astronauts to disclose the size of their manhood

(Thanks to Craig Roberts)


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Do you float to the left or the right?

Rethke said that the sizes were changed to large, gigantic, and humongous to better cope with the astronaut's sense of humor.
What? No "out of this world" size? I don't remember Walter Cronkite ever mentioning this either.

"Getting it wrong could damage the mission." Which one?


Limp, or stiff?

Small, medium, large economy size...

'course alot now Depends on the size of uranus

snork at ligirl

So big brass ones weren't the only equipment necessary to ride a rocket.

Getting a jet jockey to tell the truth about the size of his rocket must have been a real chore.

And *snork" at ligirl.

"...restroom facilities are a major part of space station outposts..."

Those folks at NASA definitely have their priorities in order.

Coming soon to NASA Television: SausageFest 2014!

Major Tom, indeed.

During the cold war the USSR placed an order for a quantity of condoms with a US company. The specifications were six inches in diameter and eighteen inches in length.
The US company produced the condoms as requested and stamped each one with the word "SMALL" in Russian.

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