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March 21, 2014


Lucy is very happy to see me.



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That's a "where the he!! have you been? look.

So, exactly how many garbage cans DID she tip over while you were gone? That looks like at least a two-can face.

I was thinking it's more of a "Wait, this means I go back to sleeping on the rug again, doesn't it?" face.

My Lab gives me the same look when I come back from the mailbox.

i guess lucy didn't like her
'my dad went on a nationwide book tour and all i got was this lousy t-shirt'

What kind of man are you Dave ? Abandonning a face like that ?

Roger Daltry look. See me, feel me. Touch me. But be gentle until I turn forty.

'do ya think it was Easy keepin all those teenage boys outta the yard while you were gone'??

Maybe it's a "Some guy behind me peed on my leg." face.

Did anyone throw their underwear or room keys at you?

I forgot to ask.

*sigh* . . . i always knew you liked sophie best

Dogs wear their hearts on the sleeves they don't wear.
They are honest and never lie unless the question involved is, "Did you do that?"

I don't think I've ever seen such unbridled enthusiasm.

Lucy is a good girl! Yes she is! Yes she is!

Dave is lab-tested.

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