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March 27, 2014


A naked man riding a tricycle was arrested and charged with being under the influence of cocaine Tuesday evening, police said.

(Thanks to Barbara A, Charles Cates and Bill Jones)


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In baseball this is called a triple play (or is that hitting for the tri-cycle).

"Jermaine Jones, a 31-year-old from Trenton, was found naked under a stairwell, chewing glass and cigarette tobacco...

I'm thinking it may have been a little heavier than cocaine. Chances are he was complete off his meds.

Was he arrested for pedaling?

Don't watch Chris Matthews anymore. Problem solved.

I have friends who call this foreplay.

I'm pretty sure the neighbor, Sheeba the filthy bar girl, has a valid Florida Tricycle License.

I hope they disinfect the seat before they give it back to the child.

Maybe he was chewing grass and tobacco? Darn spellcheck...

take it easy with the spammy sites, sht the NJ site sent me 30 fcking cookies and stopped my Puter from functioning for 10 minutes. I can't get those ten min. back can I....

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