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March 14, 2014


Deputies said they were called out to the USA Economy Lodge on Asheville Highway on Friday morning after hotel staff checking a room noticed that the toilet was missing from the bathroom.

(Thanks to ken fineberg)


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OK, I'll say it: Police have nothing to go on.

I could see taking the fine if it was a regular flow toilet.

They didn't clean or check the room for a week? Anyone could have gotten in and skipped off with the loo.

For once they're after the john.

The criminals were arrested after the police found their hiding place and flushed them out.

Someone flew with the loo,
Who knew?

The "suspect" checked out on the 20th and they didn't notice until the 28th? Wow.

Deputies said a judge denied a warrant for the hotel guest suspected of the vandalism

Good call, judge.

OK, I've heard of taking a dump, but not taking the whole actual dump.

Can the manager.

They couldn't get far without the TP.

I'd be on the lookout for that North Dakota man who had the "domestic confrontation" with his sister...

From the lawsuit:
Attorney: Mr. Sullivan, you say you didn't notice the toilet was missing when you attempted to sit on it?
Mr. Sullivan: No.
Attorney: But how could you miss that? Is your vision impaired?
Mr. Sullivan: On that end, it is. I only have one eye and it's blind.

"Calling all cars - be on the loo-kout..."

Dave - 3 minutes from post to punchline? You sure love that joke, lol!

ummm... i don't know what that means, but Dave didn't post this item.

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