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March 26, 2014


Male university students in North Korea are now required to get the same haircut as their leader Kim Jong-un

(Thanks to Chuck Cody)

Related: These Are North Korea’s 28 State-Approved Hairstyles

(Thanks to Joanne Fineberg)


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They are definitely going to need more bowls.

To speak to # 15, dial Com-mun -ists.

Maybe I'm getting old, but this might just have some merit. A look around the local college campus shows the young people can't be trusted with hair.


What, no mullets?

There's a hair-salon chain that promises to style your hair as you want it.
I've wanted to go in there and tell them to make it full on top just to watch their heads explode.
What if you don't have the crop to grow Kim's farm?

This doesn't seem that bad until you remember that Kim Jong-Un considers Dennis Rodman a role model.

heh, what is the point of being supreme leader if you can't make the people do stupid shit to themselves. Next he should make them get piercing and tats like his bitch Rodman

I think it was in Time Magazine, but I've read recently that Dear Leader's hair style is not especially popular, and until very recently was referred to as "Chinese smuggler style".

Nevermind, it's in the BBC story as well.

Could be worse. They might have required Rodman hair and face shrapnel.

I hate to say this, but with my hairline and cowlick I think I'm an early adopter.

When I go to Party meetings, I'm going to get some crap.

Has anyone noticed that Kim Jong-Un's haircut is not state approved?

He really should branch out.

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