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March 18, 2014


Beloved Armstrong Hotel cat stolen during St. Pat's festivities

(Thanks to Claire Martin)


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Cats kill anything that rustles.
Like cat rustlers.

Cats are often mistaken for leprechauns.

Poor Oreo. Why would someone feel the need to steal this cat? He goes to work at the hotel. Probably visits customers ect.. It would figure during St. Patrick's Day fun

May whomever took Oreo get Doublestuffed in the county lockup.

Beloved? Cat?

Does this considered a feliny?

yes, your blueness: the purrrpetrator is a cat burglar

If the thieves return the cat, will there be no hard felines?


I can haz grammar?

Really? You find this humorous?

UPDATE: Oreo the Armstrong Hotel cat back at home again !

now if they could only find those other pussies, i'm with annie ;)

Thanks! It made me upset and it takes a lot to make me upset.


WE will NOT need the Bikini Wax van after all.

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