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March 31, 2014


At last: A choice.

(Thanks to Claire Martin)


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But, does he have brilliant white teeth?

Rob Ford is expected to pull away from McElroy after delivering one well placed head-butt.

Somehow I believe this guy.

Best political slogan since Tippecanoe and That Pothead Too."

This is one campaign promise that I would expect to be fully lived up to.

Looks too much like Geraldo for me.

Vote early and often.

Ready for a smoke-out-the-vote campaign.

Does that speak that one has to have a buzz to be a Mayor?

Is there a candidate who's promising just to drink mouthwash...?

That's no worse a campaign slogan than the one Biden coined when he was asked a few weeks ago if he would run for President:

Biden said, "I can't think of a reason why not."

Biden 2016
Why Not?

Biden For President
I Can't Think of a Reason

Joe Biden 2016
Meh. Whatever!

The new mayor wants pizza and tacos STAT. And some more zigzag papers.

I admire Biden for his environmental work, but I would never vote for him for President.

I hear he's refreshingly blunt.

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