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March 28, 2014


Norwegian teen gets tattoo of McDonald's receipt showing what he ordered on Tuesday

(Thanks to nursecindy and Janice Gelb)


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I like the Daily Mail calling him McStupid.

Well, he's famous. Sort of.
What do you want to be remembered for?
I've thought about what I'd like on the tombstone that I won't have (cremation).
Probably something like, "Urinating on Grave Prohibited."

What a McMoron.

If this becomes a profitable venture, at least he'll have all the receipts handy to show the revenue department.


wow, how'd he a fjord all that ?


Steve -- I understand that J Edgar's gravesite is a popular destination for certain dogs in DC.

I hope the crew gave him the correct order or the follow up could be painful.

Whatever happened to anchors and battleships ?

Wait until he notices they charged him for a McFlurry he didn't get.

I can't read Norwegian. Did he get the McLutefisk?


He should have gotten a Burger King tattoo to impress the ladies. Because it takes two hands to handle my Whopper...

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