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March 28, 2014


Emergency personnel responded to a call Saturday evening of a man stuck approximately four stories up in a tree wearing no clothes.

(Thanks to Hal Lockhart)


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Michael Howard Long.
How Long?
Don't know. Look for yourself.

I'm guessing it wasn't Charlie Sheen.

As long as it was a consenting adult tree I don't see any problem.

'he wasn’t interested in coming down. As a matter of fact, he had work to do up there ...'

probly releaving himself

Pat Traver's Snortin' Whiskey applies. Repeatedly listening to The Beatles White album may cause this type of behavior if you are a complete idiot.

Police said the incident was drug-related, but didn’t elaborate further.
I have a feeling a little alcohol was probably involved too.

........man stuck approximately four stories up in a tree wearing no clothes.
I would also like to point out that I don't know about Alabama but none of our trees here in N.C. wear clothes.

Around these parts, when drugs are involved with someone climbing up something to a considerable height, it's usually electricity transmission towers, with predictable results.


That is the true definition of "looking up Uranus."

Four stories up? Why didn't he join the infant tree?

Were any of the stories written by Dave?

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