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February 03, 2014


Conspiracy theorists think government planted 'fake snow'

(Thanks to PrateBoy)


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Don't know about the conspiracy thing, but if anyone wants any samples to analyze, I got plenty. Come on by. Bring a truck.

One interim pastor described the "New York Times/Washington Post cabal" in sermons. Given how much love I have seen between the organizations over the years, I was a bit more skeptical.

New York Times, Washington Post, and Weather Channel Cabal sounds much more likely.

We've spent much of the winter in Florida so far and we are very suspicious of this "cold weather" that's been appearing around here.
We suspect it came from Canada, so Border Control should be investigated.
However, I believe it's the Republicans trying to make Obama look bad.

It's crack not snow. Either these people are high or drain bramaged or both.

Was this the same guy who crashed the post-game press conference to talk about 9/11?

And California has lots of fake smog, too!

wow. whatever drug these people take, i want some.!

My fake snow turned into real ice. Caused me to show up 15 seconds late to the super bowl party and the game was already over.

This is what it's like living in the South, folks. Digging bunkers out back to hide the guns from Obama and imagining the gubmint controls the weather. Remember, science is just some stuff crazy people made up, and we can just make some up ourselves.

and of course, climate change and global warming are also hoaxes....

Waitaminute! I thought all the "snow" was created by the multi-national fossil fuel conglomerates to "prove" global warming was a lie.

I'm sure the sub-zero temperatures were fake, too!

Dear Dave Barry

Hello again, my good find!
Please to learn blog news. Question for collages:
When to plant snow, and why?

also to greet prateboy

you're god fiend

We in California welcome with open arms the government conspirators. Please bring us your fake snow. We don't want to burn it. We'll use it to end our real drought so that we can grow real food to ship to the Southeast and feed real nut jobs.

Actual fake movie snow is made from dehydrated mashed potato flakes. I'd like to know who spent my tax money dumping mashed potatoes on Atlanta, please.

"You're being distracted from all fronts, you're preoccupied. They're up here signing bills, the government, to pretty much take away more of your rights and freedoms."

I'd be a lot more distracted and preoccupied if they planted some warm sunny days.


That's fake gubmint air you're breathing too.

Sublimation is subliminal. I've mentioned that before, but you never noticed. Consciously.

Horrific weather - it RAINED in Los Angeles during the Stupor Bowl, so we couldn't watch the whole game outside from the hot tub. Stop the madness!

They get away with it in the north EVERY YEAR!

I tried inhaling the stuff coming down right now. It made me sneeze, but didn't get me high.

Hee hee! Our plot for Rob Ford to conquer America advances!

does this tinfoil hat make my ass look big?

White makes everyone look fat. This is a war on our self-esteem!!! Durn you, Obama!

Aha! You failed to recognize the perfidious deviousness of the entire operation! That was _real_ snow, but it was a _fake_ conspiracy theorist, planted by the government to disTRACT and PREOCCUPY us from THE HORIFYZSFOIZSDBHASFBBBBBBBBBBBBBNo, it was perfectly normal snow and everything about that video was real. Aren't those crazy people crazy? Ha, ha ha! Yes, nothing to see here. You should move along.

Good thing I paid the snowplow guy with a fake credit card.

Clearly it was the canucks. They are softening us up for the invasion. They tell us the Keystone Pipeline is for oil, BUT it is a trojan horse to sneak in their troops. They will strike Hot-lanta in the next week while the whole south is whining and can't find their hundreds of guns in the snow bank.

I'm with Steve & billb. It's a Canadian invasion ... and that's the best they could do. They've NO chance in the summer.

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