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February 28, 2014


Man sues McDonald's for $1.5 million 'because they gave him only one napkin'

(Thanks to Joe in Japan)


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This brings "Where's the beef?" to a whole new level.

The complainant thought the manager mumbled something racist like, "You people are litterers."

He actually said, "You people are litigious."

What a Kroc.

he needed the other one to throw up in.

I went to the beach but it rained. Whom can I sue?

I have sued many times for billions and billions for lack of napkins provided demanding cash settlements when it's one of those 'cheap' napkins.

Empathy is golden as should be the fries.

Where on earth do people get the idea that they can sue for that kind of money over a napkin anyway.

If the emotional distress of getting one napkin renders him unable to work wouldn't he go on a killing spree if they forgot his fries. People who admit to being this mentally fragile should not be allowed out in public.

He was offered free burgers, but is suing for $1.5m.

One wonders how old Mr. Lucas is and how he has gotten to that age without suing for other 'slights,' unless he has led a completely charmed life up until now.

One bite, one napkin...

I really do not understand the USA court system. Why are these sorts of suits allowed? You are all paying for them through your taxes which pay the judge, at least.

He's going to go off the rails when the courtroom starts laughing.
There won't be enough napkins in the world.

Digger...The headline is misleading. The issue wasn't the lack of the napkin; it was the manager's response. Let's assume I asked for a second napkin, and the manager refused and said, "You fat b*tches are all alike."

That "elevates" it to an issue of discrimination, hate, etc, etc. And in the U.S., anyone can sue for that, or, in fact, for anything, IF he/she can find a lawyer to take the case.

And THAT's the area where I start having problems. If I were the lawyer, I'd write a letter to the manager/owner/Ronald McDonald, tell him his employees have to get a better attitude, and ask for an apology and maybe some McDonald's gift certificates. But under our system, the attorney gets to keep a percentage of the damages (maybe 1/3), so who's going to settle for a half a Big Mac, twenty fries, and a napkin? And voila! You have a $1.5 million lawsuit.

[PLEASE let me hasten to assure all the bloggers here who happen to be attorneys that I am NOT lumping all of you together. Some of my best friends, etc, etc. I'm just sayin' - every profession has some bozos; and in the U.S. bozo lawyers sometimes get paid for their bozotude.]

No Betsy, if you were a lawyer - assumed he wasn't armed - you'd tell him to get the f&ck out of your office and not bother you again.

Psycho (him not Betsy I hasten to add)

I used one dozen napkins at Kentucky fried chicken on a three piecer with two sides. The homeless guy who wandered in and washed his hands in the water dispenser which was part of the soft drink bar used only one napkin before police were called. Pending 'napkin deprivation' litigation is expected to cost in the millions. KFC is loaded. Especially for a homeless guy claiming the food was not finger lickin' worthy.

Thanks in advance.

@Betsy, it is true there are bozos who are lawyers, but there is also Rule 11, which in Federal and most state courts says that if a lawyer signs a frivolous pleading the court can assess monetary sanctions against the attorney. Often when "frivolous" lawsuits are discussed, there is more to it than is being reported.

Or he could go to Burger King, like this poor lady.

Anon and Jeff: Points taken.

(I have a headache now, clearly caused by this thread. Quick: who has the deep pocket?)

@Betsy: The only way to end discrimination is to call attention to it. Unfortunately, in the US, the only thing that gets attention is a lawsuit.

But, hey, if this incident happened in Florida, the manager could have just shot the customer and walked, thanks to things like "Stand Your Ground."

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