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January 30, 2014


Dog Faces Trial For Biting Bank Worker’s Penis

(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)


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Settle out of court? Prolly din't wanna produce "Exhibit 'A' " ...

The dog may not be talking because he's still chewing.


Send him to Wall Street. Or to the Fed, for that matter.

If only his bark were worse than his bite.

Must have been one of those wiener dogs.

Is that a Snaussage in your pants or are you just glad to see my dog.. Cocker spaniel ?

my dogs mostly go after balls

Who the hell walks home from work naked? Or with his guska hanging out? I mean, did the dog know how to unzip his pants?

he quickly rushed home to check his penis and discovered that he had been severely injured

I'm fairly certain I would know without having to rush home to check.

Okay, the part about needing to urinate with the aid of a pipe is confusing. But I probably don't want to know any more details.

Seems like it would be easier to urinate with the extra holes. Kinda like a sprinkler or a fountain.

When life hands you lemons...

They're making a documentary staring WC Fields. It's called 'the Bank Dick'

Now I know what this dog was after.


'Scuse me while I whip this...ow, ow, ow, OK it's back in.

W.C. Fields must be wincing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgjg_fQ3yVI

Those dudes have hyenas as pets, not going there without wearing a cup, and a hockey mask. And a personal mini-gattling gun.

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