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January 30, 2014


Police: Armed man tried to enter bank through 'exit only' door

(Thanks to Ralph)


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Another alumnus of Midvale School for the Gifted, eh?

I'm guessing he won't escape jail.

The state of confusion?

But did he have a gub?

It's getting to the point that I'm adding to my list of instructions for my son's fraternity to CHECK FOR PUSH OR PULL SIGNS if you are going to be stupid.

Armed and dangerous. To himself.

Then again, the bank can't decide whether it's fifth or third.

Johnny, this is the fifth time you've failed a fractions quiz, here in the third grade!

You wait. When I'm a big, famous banker, you'll be sorry!

He needed the money for a getaway car.

" Hands up, teller ! I'm making a deposit, and instead of robbing me blind, you're going to pay me a decent rate of interest. "

It could have gone down like that.

Tell him to bring a dessert for the state prison Mensa chapter summer picnic.

The police haven't determined his intentions, yet, but they do have a pool going on the answer.

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