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January 30, 2014


Heroin sold in McDonald's Happy Meals in Pittsburgh, police say

(Thanks to The Perts and Rob Simbeck)


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She denied any worngdoing?

P'haps she wuz confused by the difference between "toy" and "fun" ... eh?

That's what it takes to get happy in Pittsburgh.

Ow! All right! All right! I admit things have changed since "Hell with the Lid Off"! Jeez, you'd think it was Brooklyn.

Who says you can't make a living wage at McDonalds?!

Someone's happy.

This should come as no surprise after it was found that Burger King and Taco Bell were serving horse in Europe.

I always heard that Happy Meals were a good smack for children. Over a billion served and laying about going "ooooh, cooties. Cool.."

If one person pulled this off alone, they are too good for McDonald's.

Those wacky cheeseheads! Ba da ba ba baaaa … I’m lovin’ it ♫

Shania Dennis ==> Sins Ahead Inn

Oh, I been through the drive-thru for some horse with no mayo, etc.

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