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December 30, 2013


A man and a woman were arrested for battery following a fight over the Bible and the Ten Commandments, Georgia police said.

(Thanks to Ralph and Rob Simbeck)


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The Charlie Daniels Band did the original.

Saying the word 'slung' always gets me into a candlelight dinner-type mood.

Somewhere a Gideon is weeping.

"I'm tellin' ya, it's 'do unto others BEFORE they do unto y'all.'"

mebbe they were jes preying ?

Theological discussion is making a comeback.

After extensive research consisting of reading the commandments in the photo accompanying the article, I find that none of the commandments prohibits clobbering anyone with a testament. Perhaps it was on the tablet that Moses dropped.

He said he dropped it, but rumor has it he threw it at his wife.

"Put a lid on it, Zipporah! I'm on deadline and spellcheck hasn't been invented yet!"

Fling! Clonk!

Hey, Baby. How 'bout we go to the motel down the street and see how many commandments we can break?

That is taking bible thumping a bot too literal.

Bibulous Bible-bangers Busted.

Thou shalt not kick covet thy neighbor's ass.

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