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October 27, 2013


We turn to Pole Dance Magazine Online.

(Thanks to funny man)


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Looking at some of the people in those photos, I sure hope they're using reinforced poles.

I'm sure a lot of guys turn to Pole Dance magazine for health tips.

The guys probably are just reading it for the articles, right? :)

Pole Dance is just one of several Northern-European publications, including Pole Stumble Magazine, Pole Get-Invaded Magazine, and Norwegian Standoff. They're all owned by Murdoch, and I understand they're readying an Asian title, Chinese Firedrill Times.

Let's see, that's three ethnic groups offended, plus a really rich guy. Score!

I am Polish and finally I found a magazine for me.

Hey whats wrong with a magazine about Polkas ? (My wife is half Polish)

Must have been a "slow news" month?

And when I want to learn about the latest new pole
dances, I turn to "Hydration Monthly". Kind of like the network news, IYKWIM.

Kris L,

The guys probably are just reading it for the articles, right? :)

Judging by the "Poler of the Month", I certainly hope so. o_O

And now, the news for poler bears ...

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