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September 08, 2013


Superman addict spends £4,400 on surgeries to make him look like comic book superhero

(Thanks to DaninTustin)


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Isn't that amazing what lengths someone will go to to look like Superman

I'm guessing he still lives in Mom's basement, which frees up plenty of cash for his hobbies.

That weird and creepy alarm is going off in my head again, Batman. Something must be wrong on the Internet!

Look up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's another nut that thinks he's Superman!

This was that guy who can't get a date, right?

Maybe he and the Barbie collector should hook up.

Re: the Superman open NC referenced. "Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It;s Superman!" What were the guys who thought it was a bird or a plane so excited about?

OK, make fun of him. But, guys, who among us has never looked at a really hot girl and NOT WISHED WE HAD X-RAY VISION?
We just wish.
He's already planning the operation.

He looks more like a Superman action figure than Superman.

I understand Dean Cain has filed a lawsuit...?

In this photo (below) he looks like Michael Jackson.
Which is even CREEPIER!!!


In this photo he looks like the so called KING OF POP.
Which is even Creepier!!!

< a hre="http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/superman-addict-spends-4400-surgeries-2260211">PIC

£4,400 on 13 surgeries? I guess the Philippines is the place to go if you're looking for inexpensive cosmetic surgery.

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