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September 08, 2013


Iowa grants permits for blind residents to carry guns in public

(Thanks to Bill Hudgins)


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Just about as stupid as the two brothers who were "visually impaired" and attempted to use the Americans With Disabilities Act to force United Airlines to hire them as pilots.

As long as they are completely blind and at least 107 years old I don't see any problem.

Next up: Drivers licenses

How do you magically train a blind person to use a gun? Daredevil is a comic strip.

I understand Google is working on a app for this.

What next... braille targets ?

Why not?
I personally know people who can't find their own "donkeys" with both hands and a flashlight.

Given the effective range of most people with weapons, limited vision isn't as much of a problem. Techniques are taught in self defense classes for the blind.

Reverend Gary Davis, a blind singer, used to say when questioned about this: "If I can hear it, I can shoot it."

There is indisputable proof that blind people are excellent shots!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cnzuI4fsMs

I would point out that Jedi Knights practice the light sabre while blinded.

How much vision do you really need to thigh shoot someone or set up a perimeter?

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