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July 31, 2013


‘Zombies’ complain 5K Zombie Run in Denver too violent

(Thanks to Allen at Division)


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I take back what I said above. This is the dumbest thing I've seen, so far today. What will the future hold?

'another zombie had her nose broken when a runner in a banana costume punched her in the face.'

- then he split

If participating in a 5k brain-eating zombie apocalypse simulation is no longer a peaceful way to spend a Saturday afternoon in this country, I don't know what is.

I blame the parents.

Next year, join the My Little Pony 5K run.

"“It goes both ways. Sometimes there are humans that are too aggressive. Sometimes there are zombies that are too aggressive,” Hudis says."

This guy does realize that the zombies are just people dressed up, doesn't he?

This didn't happen in Boulder?

Maybe we could have a fundraiser?
I know! A charity race!

Rule # 1: Cardio, cardio! If you can't outrun the zombies, you die first!

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