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April 25, 2013


Unfortunately our strict policy prohibits us from presenting the Noblesville Police News.

(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)


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Mine always lets me know when it's happy. And it has never gone missing.

Is this guy related to former Congressmen Weiner, whose happy cox lit up Twitter?

he could have been named Peter...

Was he hiding out with his buddy Richard "Dick" Hertz?

Mine's a great employee. He's only happy when he's working.

Mr. Cox doesn't look very happy.

That's not the way I remember the dwarves.

I thought when someone sighted "Happy" Cox on the street, it usually resulted in a ride to the police station, not home.

Didn't his brother 'Chubby' feature prominently in a Sea Lab 2013 episode?

Happy Cox are good to find.

Plural? More than one? Freaky.....

His brother, alas, was only 5'2" tall. Poor "Small"...

Well, Dave "Baby" Cortez had a hit with "The Happy Organ..."

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