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March 30, 2013


Justin Bieber's monkey quarantined in Germany

(Thanks to Ironked)


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I'll bet there are a lot of fans who would like to quarantine his monkey, wink wink nudge nudge say no more.

If only he was quarantined with Lindsay Lohan. I hear North Korea is nice this time of year.

Jeff: agreed. Can we send him and his monkey to
North Korea?

Last night I watched a rerun of Criminal Intent and
it was the episode where Goren went undercover to
investigate prisoner abuse and murder in a mental ward.

The cousin looked like and acted much like Bieber is
(mis)behaving now. In fact when the character Carlson was strapped to a gurney and was screaming his head off...I half expected him to start singing "Baby Baby"...

They should have quarantined Beiber.

If you send him and his monkey to North Korea they'll both be eaten

I was so hoping the headline was an innuendo....

Boy star, making millions, screaming girls, buys a monkey. How long before Beebs buys a mansion with attached roller coaster and starts partying with little kids? Bets in now.

Oh sure... other peoples' monkeys get quarantined and you never hear a word; Justin Bieber's monkey gets quarantined and the press can't stop talking about it.

I assume it was pretty beat up. Pre-spanked, you might say.

Jacko and now Bieber with their chimps who by have much better genes than they have. Time for an Elvis moment.

"Pass me them 'taters Red (pulls a pistol and blasts the 'taters into a splattered, heaping mess" "It ain't tactics honey. It's just the beast in me."

The monkey is a spitting image of him

Benefit concert.

everybody got something to hide but him and his monkey.

If you see him at an otherwise closed Disneyland hand in hand with Goofy you know it's over.

"Justin Bieber's monkey quarantined in Germany"

Is that come kind of a euphemism?

Germans seize nasty, talentless, belligerent, spitting little animal. Monkey seized as well.

It says he's 19? I could have sworn he must be pushing 40 by now.

Does it shock you, Cheetah?

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