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March 28, 2013


I'm an icon!


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Dave, are you sure you want to be a member of a group whose membership rolls include Dick Vitale and Tony Little?

Well, you picked the right place then.

Well, that and North Dakota.

Today an icon. Tomorrow an institution!

From Wikipedia, icon means "that represents something else of greater significance through literal or figurative meaning, usually associated with religious, cultural, political, or economic standing."

Does this mean you will be starting your own church?

Or selling "memoribilia"? Will you get a Barrymobile?

If you guarantee tax credit, I'll donate!

He's an icon? Do we get to click on him? :)

Holds bic high and gives the horn.


Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

So... Dave is representative of all things Florida, good, bad, & totally WTF?

Dave, I have always aspired to being an icon. In all of your glory and iconniness, I was wondering if you will be doing seminars, writing a self help book and maybe a Youtube teaser or two. The last would gin up an audience in the towns you no doubt will be touring. I can't wait to bask in the glory of your presence and with your guidance, maybe become a mini icon in my own mind.

i think of icon - a little statue in a russian ortho church... not correct?? oh well. good on ya dave!

I think icons are amateur-looking paintings on pieces of wood - maybe being a humor columnist isn't such a lowly occupation after all.

( Obi Wan grabs forehead, topples over )

Yeah, but can you squirt venomous boogers?

Jeff, I aspired to be an icon someday too, but then I saw the Fanjul brothers were on this list. Having read Haissen as well as his Daveness, the inner conflict brought on by the concept of the Fanjuls being on the same list as Dave, caused a tear in my anus.

Not too shabby. According to the list at the bottom of the web page, you would be 87th on the Florida icon list. I believe that's just above Jeb Bush and Casey Anthony.

Nu, your newly bestowed iconic status makes you too good for a blue shirt?

Congratulations on not being named a Michigan icon! It's not a proud assemblage, unfortunately.

Why would anyone care what the Downingtown Regional Sewage Commission had to say about interceptors, and why did you think you were the person to tell them?’ But that’s sort of the essence of journalism.

One of the most profound descriptions about journalism I have ever read. Sewage and essence.

Does this mean you own part of TWA now?

Well-deserved and congratulations!

A down-to-earth icon. Back in '86 or '87 in my early years of college, a friend of mine still in high school wrote me a long letter pouring out his troubles. But then instead of mailing it to me, he mailed it to Dave. He received a handwritten reply from Dave, sympathizing with his problems and also noting that "enclosed is a check for $10 million unless the guys in the mail room got to it first." A class act.

Unless you want crap flowing straight into a river where you swim and fish, you should know about sewer interceptors.

Apparently, Downingtown still Has a problem.

So there.

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