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March 31, 2013


Driving With Your Dog? Bill Would Prohibit Pets Behind the Wheel

(Thanks to coscolo)


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Undeniable proof our lower criminal cout system has gone to the dogs.

oh, and what happens when they all try to get even with us for those awful costumes, eh?

So much for my Sunday afternoon rides with Daisy. I seldom let my chihuahua,Ginger, drive. Her legs are too short and she gets terrible road rage when she gets cut off.

I've seen lots of people driving with their dogs in their laps. I just assumed that their airbags were in for service and the dogs were stand-ins until the replacements came in.

What about running behind the car, tied to a leash...?

Constable Peach, that guy over there is Representative Burke. He's a bad guy, Peach.

Can we extend this law to cover other animals and vehicles, like gorillas on apehangers?

As long as they're not texting, what could go wrong?

And then there's this.

This shall not stand!

you can't legislate stupid. but i guess people will never give up trying!

It'll end up with hundreds of cases like this...or worse!

Myb pups would drive but you can't lick your privates and drive at the smae time.

True that, MikeyVA. I was getting so much grief from the local constabulary that I finally had to resort to hiring chauffeurs.

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