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March 30, 2013


College Offers Course Devoted Entirely To Pornography

We considered making a joke about studying hard, but we are far too classy.

(Thanks to Vortmax)


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James Deen, a porn star who graduated from Pasadena City College as Bryan Mathew Sevilla is to give a public lecture. Deen’s more recent films include “Don’t Tell My Wife 2,” and “Too Small To Take It All 5,” according to his filmography."

So Mr. Deen is not here today to discuss failures or anything pertaining to his obviously radiating sicko personna?

And I hear the tests are really tough, like for STDs...

Saw report yesterday that over 100,000,000 Americans have or have had an STD. I'm sure that thru better education, like this course, we can get a handle on this hard issue. Wait....was that a double entendre ????

It's no secret that the area north of LA known as "The Valley" is the home to most of the porn filmed in the US. A few years ago, the various producers got together and donated tens of thousands of copies of their films to Cal State Northridge, as an addition to the large 'historical archive' (Their term) they maintain on-campis.

I'm debating enrolling in Library Science degree program there, but I worry about their final exam. I've heard it's oral.

You have to go to college to understand porn? Somebody is really stupid.

Finally the Phys Ed Dept comes up with something interesting.

And I thought beer tasting was the weirdest college course.

Great possibility for a job training program. You could do a double major with computer science or performing arts...possibilities everywhere!

campus, not "campis". Darn ewe, autokerrect!

When did porn stop being self-study curricula?

Who said it's not self study?

Self-study versus classroom based. I wonder what the students have to do for extra credit?

according to the article it is a "touchy topic".


Too much studying will make you blind.

It's for future politicians, so they learn how to ... us all.

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