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January 28, 2013


In a way, Broward County bus driver Charles Butler has been lucky. Despite hitting 10 cars, losing his driver's license five times, showing up late and sparking a lawsuit, he remains behind the wheel.

(Thanks to Allen at Division)


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And your point is?

Yikes, sounds like Otto from the Simpsons... "I stand by my record: 15 crashes and not a single fatality!"

I wonder if this guy also daydreams about winning the "World's Safest Driver" award while he's asleep at the wheel.

Bus drivers aren't here to create disorder, they are here to preserve disorder.

Does anyone out there have a co-worker who has been disciplined 18 times?

Shhhh, don't let the NYC taxicab companies find out about this guy or they'll recruit him right out from under you!

Send him out to hunt Pythons.

If anyone has their television handy, turn on MSNBC immediately! Dave is about to come on Morning Joe.
(It is 7:55 am EST>)

/end PSA

I should have known that when they said, "Coming up next: Dave Barry" at 7:55 they really meant, "Coming up at 8:40."

Dave looked a little tired to me. He did get to hold up his book, several times.

Dave's new book was delivered to my Kindle this morning and I'm already on Chapter 5. So far, it's wonderful!! I also ordered a regular copy of the book and I'm going to Atlanta in February to get it signed. If any other blogits are going to the Atlanta book signing let me know and maybe we can get together in my hotel room and party, drink wine, get in trouble discuss great literature.

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