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November 19, 2012


...historians agree that eel was likely present at the first Thanksgiving dinner...

(Thanks to jon harris)


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depends on where you're stuffing them.

I suppose they taste just like chicken.

Did you note that the author of the story was credited with writing "Hi. I'm a nutria?"

My late BIL was a Marine in the Dominican Republic during an "interesting" time.
He saw a fisherman catch an eel. Which he held up, on the hook, and fed into a meat grinder. His wife caught the mess (slime and all), made it into a pattie, and cooked it on a grill.
He said it was offered but he declined.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Right back atcha, Steve

I wonder if Joan Rivers tried the eel or just had the turkey ?

Eel be right back.

Ees cooking the turkey.

Because ees no dummy.

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