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July 26, 2012


I did not ever want to see that man's butt again, so I made a point of stopping and driving straight through Riverton.

(Thanks to Unholy Slacker) 


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Now hold on a minute here, Pardner. You're from Texas and you're that easily grossed out? You're a disgrace to the brown lone star state.

But you can always carry a can of this around with you, I guess. (Disclaimer: I am not associated with this vendor, but I do own a bunch of their shirts.)

a yellow raincoat with 2 children? wtf

And yet... the Grand Canyon is one of the world's natural wonders.

I think the writer needs to get out more. Actually maybe less.

I thought this was gonna be a story about a tourist who got lost and came up the back side of Mt. Rushmore by mistake.

Someone needs to find some perspective and/or more activites to replace available whine time.

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