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July 25, 2012


The researchers said this is one of very few studies to show that copulating animals are at a higher risk of being eaten by predators.

(Thanks to Bill Hudgins)


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Good to know.

I've wondered about the barking tree frogs around our place.
The same call that says, loudly, "Hey, Baby" is also saying, "Eat me!" to other animals.
And there are nights, those when we can't hear the TV for the noise, when I could calmly see them eaten.

Anybody else take the quiz on that page? I got 8 out of 10 correct answers and I have the Blog to thank since I learned most of that here.

I got 6 of ten on the quiz. But I'm not into beasteality like NC is.

I got 8 out of 10 and I'm totally freaked out by it. How do I know these things?! What valuable space is being taken up in my 50-year-old head by this information?! I used to consider myself only moderately perverted. Now I just don't know. I feel like I need therapy...or at least a shower. A cold shower.


*snork* @ judi's 'do-you-want-flies-with-that-'Supersize-Me'- innuendo

Screw fly, don't bother me,
Screw fly, don't bother me,
'Cause bats will eat your pornoraphy.


If this were true, there would be no France.

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