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July 25, 2012




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I want to walk in there and say, "I'd like to commission an oath, please."

wider than a mile.


Solicit and oath? What kind of oath?

padraig the correct thing to say would be, "I'd like to commission a %$#&*#@ oath, please." Everybody knows you have to swear before you take an oath.

well, y'all beat me to the punch. but thanks for the earworm...

By Saint Wbagnafarb's bottom, I swear ...

...my huckleberry friend

Oh, I'm sorry. This is abuse. Try next door.

Are they located in the uber toilet?

Drop trou and show us how.

I would have guessed that the British Spelling went something like "beavre". Are Moon Beevers aggressive when defending their kits?

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