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July 26, 2012


You would not believe the celebrities I have been hanging out with.

Dave Interviews Mini

Dave with Tony
(Photos by Miss Sophie Barry)


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Is the press pass designed by Flavor Flav?

Great pics by Sophie. Good composition!

look at dave schmoozing with 'mini' - did you get her cereal number?

(keep up the great work, sophie!)

I didn't know those guys were English...

Where's Cap'n Crunch?

who's the mascot on top of the doubledecker?

Tony the Tiger looks pretty cool. Let's go Tigers tonight. The other picture looks like a frosted shredded wheat.

It's London - I don't even want to know where that "frosting" came from...

knisper? whateverr. you gotta get sophie to take some pictures in dorking. a. must. do.

Ya mean Tony doesn't say, "GRRRRRRREEEEAAAATTT?"

Judging by at least one of those photos, it looks like you DID find David Beckham.

TWO thumbs up! Seeing Tony's expression and Dave's red face (note Tony's finger caressing same), the placement of Dave's left hand is of concern. NTTAWWT

Dave's a cereal stalker

Keep up the good work Sophie.

Clank, judging by those pictures it looks like he also found Dorking.

Sophie definitely has a future as a papparazo, should she want one.

Yes Dorking is a real place. If you read Keith Richards' autobiography you'll see he spent some of his formative years there which explains a lot.

Did you get Shredded Wheat's number?

Summer Sanders?? Besides having those gold medals laying around her house, she was also the star of a very amusing Nickleodeon program, Figure It Out. My kids used to love that show. We'd all watch it together before homework time.

Dorking is a lovely town. Fond memories of Sunday afternoon jaunts up nearby Box Hill. Followed closely be lengthy bouts of relaxation in one of the many local hostelries. The Spotted Dog rings a bell.

Wow, that is some kind of GINORMOUS name badge, Dave! Designed to be read at a thousand paces, no doubt.

Now that you mention it, Jan, I've also had some excellent fish & chips in Dorking when hunting for books.

Nice blue black shirt, Dave.

Was that a hard-hitting interview with the cereal? Is it a cereal killer? Can we expect another surprised pullet in your future?

It probably says something about my age that I had no idea what cereal that was but I know exactly who Thurl Ravenscroft is.
And anyone who doesn't know is a real Grinch.

Dave, be careful. Pretty soon the 'papparazzi' (yes I know sic) will be chasing you in hot rods round the streets of Londowntown, and the magistrates will just laugh at any suggestions this is inappropriate.

The London press gets away with alot more than our press does, or so I hear.

Wow, looks like they found the woman cerealizer!

Hanging out with mascots. Cereal chiller.

This is why I want to be a writer. You get to hang out with all the really cool celebrities. btw, kudos to Dave for not noticing the woman in the very short shorts.

Trying to get my head around a German Rice Krispies jingle" "“Knisper! Knasper! Knusper! Rice Krispies!" Still giggling...

"So he pulled her up behind,
And down to the Box Hill
They did ride."
Vincent Black Lightning
Richard Thompson

Krispies, Krispies, über alles ...

Love anything Richard Thompson, Omni. That particular track brings back a whack of fab memories. Thanks for the link.

Got milk?

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