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July 31, 2012


Ohio woman attempts to break into jail; demands to be arrested

(Thanks to Bob Brogan, who failed to add that alcohol was involved. He did, however, also send in this related news item.)


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In the N.C. man's defense, Aunt Bea is a pretty good cook and she recently redecorated the cells.

I feel somewhat for the homeless dude. He probably has no car and no family to take him anywhere, so how was he supposed to leave? The jail, according to Google Maps, is not exactly in a populated area, and the nearest motel is 4 miles away. Course arguing for five hours is also dumb, so it is a wash.

Hey, she's in Hamilton, OH.
Getting off the streets of Hamilton to a jail is an upgrade.

Now there is a threat!
If you don't leave we will keep you here.

It's a pretty sad world where people have to break into jail to get a meal and shelter.

Want to bet she pleads "not guilty"?

Digger, it is sad but other options are made available to the inmates that are released here. I work with our local homeless shelter and Crisis Assistance Ministry. I've done a lot of work with our local jail and prison too. We always make sure they have somewhere to go where they'll be out of the weather and have food and a safe place to sleep. I've sent a lot of inmates to the shelter and there are other people there who will help them find work and get back on their feet. I guess some of the larger cities don't do this. They should. We are our brothers keeper.

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