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April 04, 2012


The men, all 20, stripped, loaded themselves in a shopping cart, set the automatic car wash to “typhoon” or “super typhoon” and went in, according to The Vancouver Sun.

(Thanks to B'game)


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You work hard all day getting drunk, and ya feel dirty.

A car wash at midnight--minus the car! Boy, these guys are sure stupid creative.

I guess as long as they were quiet and had no car,
no one was harmed, although I bet those air blasts or
nylon whips stung.

20 naked guys in a shopping cart??? Musta been a clown car shopping cart....or did I read that wrong...?

I'm confused.

I've spent my life trying to protect my jewels from harm. Do these guys want to be eunuchs? I have never, ever been so drunk I wanted to see if a car wash, or anything for that matter would cut my babies off.

This just in: "the best decisions aren't made while drunk and at a car wash without a car in the middle of the night."

Those wacky Canadians.

Afkat? Where were you on the evening in question?

Good, clean fun.

Did they get the Turtle Wax shiny hiney special?

Speaking of "shiny hiney", a prominent taunt/insult in my youth was to the effect that, "...you don't have a hair on your a$$."
I, of course, always claimed to have plenty of hair but the truth is that I've never seen my own butt up close.
The "no hair" test would now apply to these young idiots.
Men! I meant men.

Shoddy journalism. No pictures of the incident or suspects.

Wolfsong, I must admit I read it that way too ("20 naked guys in a shopping cart").

"We arrived to find intoxicated men putting their clothes back on, and realizing that the best decisions aren't made while drunk and at a car wash without a car in the middle of the night," observed Abbotsford police Const. Ian MacDonald.

Thank you, PC Understatement.

Sorry, cindy - I tried to link to a picture but once again fricking PypeTad won't let me.

I find this a little difficult to believe ...

Canadians ... 20 of 'em ... drunk (this is gnus?) ... in a car wash ... and not one hockey stick amongst 'em?

Nah ... never happen ...

Here you go, cindy.


Thanks Jeff! Now let's see them do the other side of the car.

WOW... there were really 20?

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