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February 27, 2012


Man charged with embezzling meatballs and anchovie dip

(Thanks to Ralph)


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I have to ask: how does one embezzle a meatball?

We take our meatballs and anchovie dip pretty seriously here in North Carolina.

Jeff: The same way you embezzle anchovy dip, silly.

BTW why is it 'anchovie' in the headline and 'anchovy' in the body?

jeff - i think you hafta pinch it

Howard, I always just copy whatever spelling Dave has used. Who better to know the correct spelling of a word than Mr. Language Person?

He stuffed it by his...other meatballs.

You can have my anchovies when...no, go ahead, take 'em please, with my compliments.

Meatballs, not so much.

On top of anchovy,
All covered in dip,
I embezzled meatballs,
Until I got clipped.

Actually, it was the Swiss steak he was embezzling to his Salisbury bank account.

NC, you're not kidding!

The charges allege that McDaniel did "fraudulently misapply and convert to his own use meatballs, corn on the cob, anchovy dip and trout whiting filet." The total loss was about $208, according to the charges....

McDaniel was released on $10,000 bail.

I'm glad the justice system in Fayetteville has solved all of society's other problems.

He just thought it required further processing and was providing the service.

The trial transcript is going to be a laugh riot.

sous chef?

Meatball du jour?

Jeff ... I'd suggest y'all use sum olive oil, when embezzlin' meatballs ... it's healthier that way ...

Wonder why Skibo Skillet is out of business. Couldn't be that inspired name, or the menu, or anything like that.

He'll probably get sent to some cushy, white apron, cooking club prison.

I thought it was Skeeball Skillet which, come to think of it, would be a lot better name.

howard: because the people who write the headlines are different from the people who write the stories... and i'm guessing they don't always read each others' words...

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