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February 29, 2012


Model charged with burning down 3,500-year-old Senator tree 'because she needed light to see what drugs she was taking'

You will never guess the state.

(Thanks to Catherine)


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"A young model.."

A model what? Meth head?

We need a better class of criminals. Or better yet,
find some way to abolish criminals and crime.

"Stupid is as stupid does"--attributed to Forest Gump

Shesh. Not my day. Corrected, I hope.

The California forest fire happened because she needed light to put on makeup!

Senator who? Pelosi, now wait, Boxer.

Firesign? Fierstein?

FEINSTEIN! That's it!

She's 26? And a model?
Did her pants catch the tree on fire?

Snork @ Steve and I absolutely agree with you.

That's a model ?

If you have a mannish-looking meth-head fetish, I suppose...

mugshot = this is your face on meth


That looks like the beat-up demo model. Can I wait to see next year's model, please?

The mug shot is bad, but scroll down to the Facebook photos to see the model.

Senator burned by model -- so what else is new?

Maz' ... I looked @ that earlier ... sorry, it's not possible for me to imagine any "product" exists that I would have any interest in whutsoever, if the best they could do wuz hire that "model" to advertise for 'em ...

Model airplane, I guess, when she gets her meth on. Flying high and all.

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