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February 28, 2012


Jeremy Lin's Underwear Is For Sale On eBay

(Thanks to Peter Metrinko)


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One can assume that they have been laundered?

OMG JEREMY LIN! REALLY! Who is he? The only way I would pay a thousand dollars for a pair of underwear on Ebay is if George Clooney was still wearing them.

No, no, Mikey...being laundered knocks their value into the...er...toilet, so to speak. Must remain in their 'pristine' state. I know this 'cause I watch Pawn Stars on TV.


The things people will sell on ebay....

And the proof is? I notice there is no guarantee of Lin DNA....


David is right. They would be worth much more if they had a big ol Linstripe.

Please, don't tell us who buys this.
Please, don't tell us who buys this.
Please, don't tell us.....

Bid history: 0

kinda says it all, huh?

...butt i don't care for the smell of lincense

Linslider trading.

'the scent of mascuLinity'


Probably be bought by an opposing team so they can put 'em on a life-sized doll and stick pins in it.....

WTD is a "jeremylin" and why would I want one?

And our next item is Tebow Kneepads.

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